Who We Are
Debrick Music is a team of professional,
multi-award winning
writers, producers, singers and musicians that will tailor your radio and tv ads to reach more listeners through the magic of melodies,
especially crafted to your taste.
Our music has been featured in numerous national commercials, tv ads, documentaries and radio spots over the years with huge campaign successes.
We are proud to be in affiliation with many of the great companies through our works.
What We Do
Whether you're a music, film or television producer, creative director, video game producer, or
record label we're committed to delivering a service that makes your job hassle-free.
Our experience and contacts allows us to quickly and efficiently access all genres of music or sound effects.
The Debrick Music group will work with you during the early development stages of a project
to source a selection of potential material.
Once the correct music is selected and secured licensing will be handled quickly and sufficiently .
Whether or not your on a limited or open budget you need to know we offer creativity as well as flexibility in pricing.
We'll create demonstration compilations appropriate for your project and deliver them for your consideration.